Anzac Day at Villers Bretonneux - a cold but great and moving experience.
Accolades to DVA Ceremonial for this one, yes, the road signage could have been larger and better placed; but other than that, a very well-coordinated administrative operation that got a large number of people to and from the service. Facilities at the site were also excellent, there were even enough portaloos. And whilst at one point there was a passing shower, the weather was generally fine, well done padre.
The service was poignant, the highlight a speech by our Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull; well researched, pointed, a true tribute to the soldiers who fought and their descendants (5,000 +) at the ceremony. It was a missed opportunity, Mr Turnbull could have used the occasion to grant the architect of the Australian victories that forced the war to a close in 1918, John Monash, the honorary posthumous title of "Field Marshal" he did not. And may his chooks turn into emus and kick his dunny door down for failing to act.
Prince Charles also delivered a worthy speech obviously based on heartfelt sentiments.
Following the commemoration at the Australian National Memorial, some walked and some rode into the village for the town service. Again a moving occasion. The clouds parted and the village was bathed in sunshine, a slight zephyr showering participants and guests with blossom.
The day ended with a lunch at Amiens; great food, good company.