Battlefield History Tours

Battlefield History Tours
Incorporating History and Heritage tours

On Tour - Our Other ANZAC Day Tour 30 April 2014


Today we visited the site of the Menin Road Battle. This was followed by a visit to Hooge Crater Cemetery where we paid our respects at the grave of Pte Paddy Bugden VC who was killed at Polygon Wood in 1917 aged 20.

This was followed by a visit to Hooge Crater itself where the group was able to walk around old trench lines.

We then moved to Hill 60 and saw the hill end the memorial to the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company. Anne Drummond was able to tell us something of her grandfather who served in that unit in this area. It gave us all a better appreciation of what those soldiers went through.

We then went to Polygon Wood and discussed the battle there and visited the 5th Australian Division Memorial and cemetery.

Our next stop was the German Military Cemetery at Langemark. This is a very evocative location and we met German soldiers who were working there tending the graves and doing maintenance.

We returned to our hotel in Ieper to tour the town and its sites.


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